
succession planning

Succession planning focuses on making a plan for when a volunteer leaves their role or is no longer available to support the club. By following some simple steps, you can help to retain your current volunteers as well as prepare new volunteers to join the committee or help out.

If you don’t have a plan in place, when a key volunteer leaves it can often put additional pressure on existing volunteers to take on more responsibilities. You can also find that in the panic to recruit someone new into the role, you end up with a volunteer who is not suitable or feels quickly overwhelmed.

Creating a simple plan to recruit and get a new volunteer up to speed with a role before an existing volunteer leaves can help alleviate these problems. It can also allow you to take steps towards a scenario where you are able to have more people volunteering, with each of them doing less.

breaking down roles

Volunteers dedicate large amounts of time and energy to their clubs, and over time those same volunteers can end up taking on more and more responsibilities.

However, there are lots of people in and around your club who might be happy to lend a hand and pick up a discreet task or set of tasks.

Our guide will show you ways that you can start to think about how you could spread the volunteer roles and tasks within your club amongst more people.

seasonal guide

A football season has many different stages and so it is important to think about what support new or existing volunteers might need at different times of the year. Each volunteer within your club may have a different point where they may feel stretched or under pressure. It is therefore a good idea for your committee to consider this and plan when support may be needed throughout the season.