Together, through education, we can help to develop the knowledge and skills of the people within our game, for our game.
Explore the opportunities which are available to you.
There’s so much happening within the football calendar. Take your pick from these online and in-person workshops all aimed to support you and your club grow, develop and sustain.
View DetailsClose DetailsAs the football season begins to unfold, we know that you, our football family are busy behind the scenes getting the final preparations in place. Once the season is back in full swing we look forward to bringing you a series of workshops and webinars that will provide you with that much needed support for the remainder of the season.
We know that our football family are busy, so we have made sure to record our events to make it easy for you to access on demand. Click on the sessions below for any that you may have missed.
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Club Accreditation Application Refresher
15th August 2022
Clwb Cymru
A session designed to guide you through the application process and refresh your knowledge on the criteria needed for each level of Club Accreditation.

Creating Your Environment: For Her Workshop
18th July – 3rd August 2022
Female Football
Aimed to help our football family ensure they provide women and girls equal, accessible and appropriate opportunities and environments. For more information on the next available course email girlsfootball@fawtrust.cymru

Volunteer Recruitment
26th April – 14th June 2022
Aimed to help our grassroots football family recruit new volunteers into their club. For more information on the next available course email clwbcymru@faw.cymru

A Virtual Tour of Clwb Cymru
5th April 2022
Clwb Cymru
An overview of the Clwb Cymru platform, with an aim to support our football family when using it.