Policies are an essential part of any club. Together, policies and procedures provide a roadmap for day-to-day running of your club whilst ensuring you remain compliant with laws and regulations both within the game and wider society. By having guidelines in place, it will help you operate in the right way, providing consistency, clarity and instilling trust with everyone associated with your club.
It is important that you review and update your policies as your club could be at risk if you are following outdated guidelines and information. It is suggested that you review all your policies and procedures every three years. Don’t wait for an issue to arise before you review them, add it as an agenda item on your committee / board meeting at the start of every season, that way you won’t forget.
Policies & Procedures
A series of policies and procedures have been shared to help you consider different elements of your club and how you can have appropriate controls and risk management procedures in place. This list is not exhaustive and your club may have a number of additional guidelines already in place.
Club Safeguarding Policy
A policy aimed at helping you ensure that everyone at your club is kept safe.
Coaches, Managers & Volunteers Code of Conduct
A template guide to help set the standards that all your coaches, managers and volunteers should follow.
Parents, Guardians & Spectators Code of Conduct
A template guide to help set the standards that all your parents, guardians and spectators should follow.
Changing Facility Guidance
A guide outlining best practice for facility usage.
Managing Challenging Behaviour
A series of hints and tips outlining good practice when it comes to dealing with challenging behaviour.
Complaints Procedure
A procedure outlining steps to take should a club rule have been breached.
Guidelines for Recruiting Volunteers
A series of suggested questions to ask when recruiting new volunteers.
Risk Assessment & Goal Post Safety
Following the correct and appropriate health and safety measures outlined here will ensure that both the club and all associated members are protected and kept safe.
What it is
An appropriate structure which helps your club operate in the right way with the right people.
Why it matters
Having appropriate structures will support better decision making, win confidence in members, partners and stakeholders and help you achieve your ambitions.
What it is
Clubs do not run without people. Widening your reach of individuals from different backgrounds, communities and skill sets can strengthen your club whilst demonstrating you are a club for all.
Why it matters
Having people who have diverse skill sets, experiences and backgrounds can help enable good decision-making, show representation of your wider audience and win confidence in members, partners and stakeholders.
What it is
Providing consistent, relevant and transparent communications to members, stakeholders and the wider community.
Why it matters
Sharing key information about your club is a great way of letting people know what you’re up to.
What it is
Having a series of guidelines can ensure that everyone keeps on track and the club remains compliant both within the football world and in wider society.
Why it matters
Understanding your responsibilities, complying with laws and regulations and following appropriate guidelines will ensure things are done correctly and you instil trust with members, partners and stakeholders.