keeping things safe
safety measures
Football clubs have an important role to play to ensure that their members including players, volunteers, spectators, members of the local community are safe when playing, delivering, or watching the game.
Following the correct and appropriate health and safety measures will ensure that both the club and all associated members are protected and kept safe.

safety guidance
The Health & Safety Executive provides importance guidance to follow for when you or another club member may find themselves working alone or need to undertake a risk assessment.
understanding terminology
What it is
Using a small library of terminology can help enhance your understanding of technical terms.
Why it matters
Simplicity is the key to helping everyone understand and ensuring that nothing goes wrong!
What it is
Preparation is key to ensuring that the game can be played smoothly all season long.
Why it matters
Facilities that are given the best kick start, make all the difference to the season ahead.
What it is
The hard preparatory work at the start of the season should be followed by the right ongoing maintenance.
Why it matters
Achieving safe playable pitches all season long can be achieved through keeping on top of maintenance.
What it is
After a long season, the hard work must continue in preparation for the next season.
Why it matters
Keeping on top of maintenance all year round will ensure that facilities are ready for the new season.
future development
What it is
Reflecting on all areas of your club will help you to explore facility projects or developments.
Why it matters
Laying down the foundations for the growth and development of the club within your community.
fit for the future
What it is
Exploring ways in which your club can operate in a more environmentally friendly way.
Why it matters
Helping to ensure a bright future for our future generations, your club, and the game.
keeping things safe
What it is
Understanding and awareness of health and safety procedures protects your club and its members.
Why it matters
Clubs have an important role in ensuring safety whilst playing, delivering, and watching the game.